Hello Beholders! If you’re new to my blog, my name is Chloe and I like to call my readers Beholders (which may or may not be the name of a monster that is a floating ball of flesh with a big mouth and one eye from Dungeons and Dragons). I started my blog in July of 2023 as a personal project to share about my life, opinions, books, college, study abroad, and anything else I feel passionate about. As time has gone on, this blog has become like a baby to me and I love dedicating time to this hobby of mine (something I especially love is reading your comments so please continue to write to me!). 

My Background

I come from a small town in New Jersey called Pennington where I lived all of my life up to college. In high school, I participated in field hockey, was the leader of the Youth Environmental Society, founded and led the Fundraising for a Cause club, was part of the National Honors Society, and volunteered for various local organizations. I also worked at three restaurants (I worked every day of the week most weeks) and spent a lot of time babysitting. I’ve always loved keeping myself busy.

I am now entering my fourth year at the University of California, San Diego, studying international business and Spanish. I will also be pursuing a Masters in International Affairs starting in the Fall through the BA/MIA Program at the Global School of Policy at UCSD. I have worked at the Recreation Center on campus, was the Instructional Assistant for the course “Corporate Social Responsibility” for two quarters, held two executive positions for my sorority, and was the VP of finance for the Collegiate Sales Society. I will also be working as a GAPSWell Associate this coming Fall where I will educate UCSD grad students on important issues related to health and well-being.

I studied abroad at the University of Barcelona in the Fall of 2023 which was the greatest experience ever. I have an entire category dedicated to this experience titled “Study Abroad” and am continuing to post advice I’d give to students who are looking into or are gearing up to study abroad. 

I’m currently an In Service Supply Chain intern at Boeing, located in Everett/Seattle, Washington. So far, my experience has been great and I’m excited to see where this opportunity takes me.

Outside of work and school, I enjoy reading, running, arts and crafts (I often pick up random projects), spending a lot of time with my friends, cooking, and blogging of course. I am currently learning how to play the guitar and to skateboard as well.

Now that I’ve written out my resume for you all, I hope you have a better understanding of who I am and how I like to spend my time. 

More About Chlo and Behold

As I mentioned above, this blog is a personal project for me. I often pick up random personal projects, but this one has been something that I’m dedicated to sticking with and so far, it has changed my life for the better. I write about UCSD/college advice, the books that I read monthly, and study abroad. I also have the “perspective” category where I put any random posts I feel passionate about. With one of my interests being sustainability, I try to include some posts on topics I find interesting within that category.

Well anyway, I hope you enjoy exploring my blog and find some posts that resonate with you. If you’d like to sign up for my email list, you can enter your information on the “Contact Me” page.

Sending hugs and virtual high-fives,


P.S. If you know anyone who may be interested in my blog, please share it! Also, I love reading your comments and messages, so feel free to leave me your opinions, ideas, random thoughts, or anything else you may want to share.